I hope you all had a wonderful Day of Thanks last Thursday. We sure did here! It was nice to be able to take a day to relax and, well, eat. :-)
Things have been very busy around here lately, but I wanted to take a few minutes to write about what I've been up to.
One thing is business cards. We make our own and I'm the one who usually cuts them... but this time I managed to get someone else do it (because I'm a perfectionist about them and our cutter is crooked, not to mention that the copier copied them crooked). In the picture you'll see the Construction business cards for Dusty Smith, the go-to guy for all things construction, and the Pastoral Counseling cards that Steven Long, head of evangelism, hands out during the week.
Speaking of construction, have you been to our website yet? That's another thing I'll be working on this week, particularly the "Construction" page. Right now it's blank, but I can let you in on a few things... we've had the opportunity to do a lot with the construction team lately. Did you know that can hire Victory Home for your handyman projects? Our residents work as part of the program, and all the proceeds offset their expenses. Here are some of the things we can do:
- Gutter cleaning
- Home improvement & construction projects
- Yard maintenance
- Garage/attic clean-outs
- Repairs
- Moving assistance
If you would like to find out more, just call the offices at 757-487-2633. We'd love to help.
More busyness: Tonight we have Discipleship Training at 6pm, Overcomers In Christ (addiction recovery) meeting at 7pm, and Friends & Family (a Christian alternative to al-anon) at 7pm. If you're in the neighborhood, we'd love for you to stop by! The meetings are all open to the public.
I better get back to work - I'll let you know when there's more info on the website or if anything exciting comes up.
For His Glory,
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